Harbour Facilities
Polperro is a Trust Port which is managed by volunteers elected from the local community. The Trust was established in 1894 by a separate Act of Parliament. We do not receive any Government funding so our operating and maintenance costs are sourced from income such as mooring fees, property rent, income from the Heritage Museum and your generous donations.
Berthing & Mooring
Harbour Facilities
Polperro Harbour has berthing available for commercial fishing vessels with excellent support facilities including diesel fuel Please contact admin@polperroharbour.com or phone 01503 272426 (Open Mon and Weds 09:30-12:00) for more information on availability and prices.
Please note that the harbour is currently full for permanent moorings for recreational boats and we are therefore operating a waiting list for new applicants. Please contact the harbour master or admin at admin@polperroharbour.com to register interest.
2022/23 Mooring Prices
Standard footage up to 24’ £16-00 per foot plus VAT
Out of Parish residents up to 24’ £32-00 per foot plus VAT
Kayaks / Paddleboards £80 per unit plus VAT

Please ensure all boats are insured as certificates will be requested upon renewal of your mooring each year. If you need help obtaining a quote for insurance follow this link

Overnight Mooring
Harbour Facilities
There are 6 mooring buoys in the outer harbour for visiting boats. To check availability please email or call in advance . You can also contact the Harbour Master on Channel 17. Please ensure that you moor your vessel fore and aft as shown in the image on the left. This keeps the entrance to the inner harbour clear for other vessels.
When you arrive ashore please pay the mooring fees (£15 per night) either at the Museum Tearooms, The Blue Peter Inn or the Harbour Master.
We don’t have any specific facilities for visiting boats, but there are public conveniences at the Harbour and good food and drink are to be found at the pubs and eating establishments.
Canoes, Kayaks & Paddleboards
Recreational Use of the Harbour
We have limited storage space for Canoes, Paddleboards and Kayaks. Currently all storage is taken but we are looking into providing additional space so please contact the Harbour Office to register interest.
Visiting owners can launch at one of the slips around the Harbour but please take care when doing so and also be aware of other Harbour visitors and users.
Recreational SUP (Stand up paddle boarding) and Canoeing is becoming increasingly popular . Owners and users should be aware of and comply with the RNLI guidance for their safe use. Particularly as weather and sea conditions can changed very quickly.
Owners and users should also navigate away from the main channel to allow access for boats.
Friends of Polperro we need your help!
Prince of Wales Pier Appeal
Friends of Polperro we need your help! Our PoW Pier needs urgent repairs. This page has been set up so that our community, visitors and businesses can help us to raise the necessary funds to secure the urgent repairs.
Click here to donate